Why do kids need speech therapy?
Children begin to communicate at an early age to express their wants and needs. As they grow old, they start using speech and language to engage in a conversation, to participate in the classroom, make friends, read and write.
If a child has difficulty in understanding and expressing his thoughts and ideas, in pronunciation/articulation, and social use of language(pragmatics), it will affect the child’s ability to perform well in a variety of situations including school. A speech therapist helps diagnose and provide intervention for various disorders like:
Language delay
Hearing impairment
Cognitive or other developmental delays
Voice disorder
Cleft lip or cleft palate
ADHD (inattention and hyperactivity)
Articulation problems or unclear speech
Fluency disorders/ stuttering
Feeding problems, picky eaters, and swallowing disorders
Traumatic brain injury
How can parents help in speech therapy?
Parents are key to the success of a child's progress in speech or language therapy.
Kids who finish the program the quickest and with the longest-lasting results are those whose parents were involved.
Ask the therapist what you can do.
For instance, you can help your child do the activities at home that the SLP suggests. This ensures continued progress and carry-over of new skills.
Overcoming a speech or language disorder can take time and effort. So it's important that all family members be patient and understanding with the child.

Speech and language
assessment and screening
Are you unsure if your child really needs speech therapy?
Do you want to know how Sounderic can help your child?
We offer free consultations and screening!

We are committed to providing the highest quality service to you and your family. The first step begins with an evaluation.
At Sounderic, this process involves interviewing the parent or patient seeking speech therapy treatment to better understand the challenges they have. Evaluations are necessary to determine if a speech or language disorder is present and also to plan appropriate goals for treatment.
Speech disorders can be corrected more easily if detected early. We will help you with every aspect of the process including evaluation, diagnosis, counseling and treatment.
Here is what you can expect from our Speech Therapy Team:
A speech assessment by a speech-language pathologist
Individualized sessions to meet the child’s speech therapy goals
Convenient, online, one-on-one and group sessions
Parent training,follow up and at-home activities
Sounderic is happy to provide a free video consultation where we learn about your specific concerns, screen and observe the child and also plan the communication goals. At our clinic, we offer 45 minute speech therapy sessions and to help you generalize newly developed speech-language skills, we offer group therapy sessions in addition to individual sessions. To book your free consultation contact us today!
Speech disorders in children
From evaluation to diagnosis our experienced speech therapists cover a range of speech and language disorders affecting children of all ages. Each therapy session is designed based on the child’s needs and individualized speech and language goals. We also work along with other therapists, teachers, and healthcare professionals.
Click on each service below for more information.
Speech and language delay
If child hasn't developed their speech and language milestones age appropriately i.e. if they are still talking in sounds, words, syllables, phrases than the child may have delatedspeech and language development. ThereEarly intervention here is key because till 3 yearsof age lies child's critical period of language development after which the child may have difficulty acquiring his language appropriately.
so a timely check in with a speech therapists is warranted who will assess the child and find out if the child has a delay and by how many months. They can then device an individualized treatment plan for the child. Parents are a crucial part in this treatment.
Stuttering therapy

Talking can be hard if you stutter
A speech therapist will assess the child for his disfluencies, ask if the child’s stuttering affects their participation in activities, play or their everyday life. Speech therapist takes a detailed history to find out child's reaction to his stutter and others response to his stuttering, child's age, how long has been stuttering for. If child tenses up or struggles when talking, avoids talking or says it is too hard to talk or a family history of stuttering.
A Speech therapist will help them feel less tense and speak more freely in school, at work, and in different social settings, person face speaking situations that make them fearful or anxious, speaking on the phone or ordering food at a restaurant.They can help the person practice ways to manage stuttering. Speech therapy can teach you to slow down your speech and learn to notice when you stutter. You may speak very slowly and deliberately when beginning speech therapy, but over time, you can work up to a more natural speech pattern.A treatment team usually includes other family members and teachers.
Social communication disorder
Group therapy join today

If the child has difficulties in responding to others, participating in a group, taking turns in a conversation, talking about emotions, staying on a topic, difficulty making friends etc then we can help you.
We provide individual and group speech therapy sessions
Children can join our social skills therapy group. These groups have children of the same age group, practice appropriate ways to interact in various social situations, provide opportunities to build and maintain friendships, and encourage children to become confident communicators!
Speech therapy for Autism
They are gifted!
Children with autism have challenges with
communication and social skills. Most of them
find it difficult to engage in conversations and
pick up on social cues. It may be hard for a child
with autism to share toys and join in play, understand
how others feel, take turns in play or in conversation,
and make and keep friends. Children with autism may
show repetitive hand and body movements, have trouble
transitioning from one activity to the other, are sensitive to
and find it difficult to tolerate certain sounds, textures,etc
Speech therapists play an important role in autism treatment. They can help the child with autism build his speaking, listening and communication goals in various settings like home, school,and play. Speech therapists can also help the person learn to use AAC (gestures, pictures, apps, and other electronic devices) if they need help communicating. At Sounderic, we provide individual and group speech therapy sessions for children with autism.Groups can help the person practice their skills with others.

Getting our students ready for college
Preparing you for life ahead!
We help adolescents and adults with autism, executive function disorder, learning disabilities benefit from treatment to help them communicate better in school, at work, and in the community.
At Sounderic, we help you get ready for college by helping you write cover letters, practice interview skills; and learn strategies to communicate better at work, executive function skills
What we offer:
Interview preparation
Essay & resume review
Assist with self-advocacy skills that will allow the student to access appropriate support services in college
Help the student process information and choices related to college admission and provide information about the transition to college
Social skills training
To learn more, schedule your free consultation today.
Cleft lip and palate
A child with a cleft lip or/and palate may have feeding and swallowing problems. Your child may have a weak suck and take a long time to feed. Milk may come out of your child's nose. These are possible signs of a cleft. Speech therapist will look at how the child's speech and language development and check feeding and swallowing. They may need help learning to make sounds and speak clearly.
Our speech therapist will help the child correct his articulation errors, build on his speech and language skills, work on nasality . At Sounderic, we guide mothers how they can feed the child well. We
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders (ADHD)
Children with ADHD have problems with
Attention i.e. trouble concentrating, staying focused,
problems in planning, organizing, and finishing tasks
on time.
Hyperactive i.e. struggle with sitting still, are restless and
fidgety, try to multitask at once.
Impulsive and may act before thinking.
Each child with ADHD has different needs.
Your doctor may prescribe medicine to help your child
pay attention. Some children with ADHD also have learning
disabilities. Others need help with social skills.
Our speech therapist can work with your child on speech, language, and social problems.
At Sounderic, speech therapists can help your child
learn how to plan and organize to get tasks done.
Your child may need to learn how to take turns and pay attention when talking to others.
The SLP will also work with your child's teacher to find ways to help him in class.
He may need to sit in the front of the class. Or, he may need to use checklists or planners to stay organized. The SLP can work in the classroom to help your child.

Articulation and phonological disorders
Children with unclear speech or who have difficulty in forming speech sounds properly may have an articulation disorder. Our speech therapists assess and find out the sounds that the child is unable to say correctly and device a treatment program to target those sounds. We use fun and interactive ways to target these sounds in therapy as articulation therapy can get boring for the child. We give you the strategies that help to generalize the corrected sound outside the session too.

Voice disorders
Voice—how our voices sound.
We may sound hoarse, breathy, lose our voices easily,
talk too loudly or through our noses, or be unable to make
sounds. If the child has a voice disorder due to a medical
a condition that affects the pitch, loudness, and quality of
voice. Children also often have a hoarse voice due to misuse
of their voice when they engage in vocal abusive behaviors
like shouting, talking loudly, throat clearing, excessive
coughing, crying, etc. we identify and eliminate vocal abusive
behaviors and improve vocal health by teaching techniques
and strategies to the kid. we give voice exercises to
strengthen the voice

Feeding and Swallowing disorders
Does your child takes longer to finish his meal,
often coughs during eating, has watery eyes,
has had frequent respiratory infections?
Feeding and swallowing in children refer to how
well we suck, chew, and swallow food and liquid.
A swallowing disorder may lead to poor nutrition,
weight loss, and other health problems.
This is also called dysphagia.
A child with autism, or down's syndrome or just a
premature baby most of them have difficulties
with the developmental process of feeding.
Does your child refuse a few flavours, colours,
textures, taste?
Some children are picky eaters and only eat a
specific food group. We help your picky eaters try
new kinds of foods. We know how important it is for
a child to become a safe, happy and healthy eater
and we help you with that.