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Parent Education & Training Program
We empower families with the knowledge and tools to support their children's
speech and motor development.
We believe parents are the best
therapists for the child in their
early years.

Expert-Led Learning
"Learn from certified speech
and occupational therapists
with years of experience."

Hands-On Activities
"Engage in practical exercises designed to be fun and effective for your child."

Flexible Learning
"Access training materials online at your own pace."

What’s the focus of the program?
We demonstrate activities and strategies to achieve speech, language and motor milestones and play skills.
We provide custom made home training plans based on your child’s specific needs.
We give feedback on the practice videos shared by parents.
We learn how to create a home environment conducive to speech and motor development.
We give practical techniques for parents to work on challenges including sensory sensitivities, lack of self care skills or feeding difficulties, etc.
Why should parents sign up for this program?
Children learn best in their natural environment and through play and daily routines.
As parents you can work on the goals in various settings with the child.
You gain confidence in your ability to support your child's growth and development at home.
You also receive individualized advice and techniques specific to your child's needs making the training more effective and efficient.
How is it conducted?
In this program, a parent will have an online 1:1 session on Google Meet with the speech and occupational therapist once/twice a week for 40 mins based on your convenient time. You will also receive a written plan along with links to additional resources for help.
Where can you sign up?
Interested parents can drop us an email on or WhatsApp us at +919644466635.
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