Online Speech Therapy for Kids With Autism
Children with Autism are different, not less in any way!
Think of difference rather than deficit; unique rather than abnormal.

Autism is characterized by impairment in various areas of development:
1. Communication (verbal and non-verbal): Autistic children will have challenges in using and understanding language. Some people never develop verbal language, while some become very proficient verbally. In addition, they will have difficulty understanding non-verbal body languages such as facial expressions or gestures.
2. Social interactions: This is the ability to understand, respond, and interact effectively in social relationships. The child often faces difficulty in establishing social interactions.
3. Behavior: Autistic children may exhibit repetitive behavior and they become preoccupied with specific objects or parts of objects, routines, and interests. A small, seemingly insignificant change to an environment, such as a piece of furniture in a different space, may cause great distress to someone with autism.
Why is it important to get a diagnosis of Autism for your child?
The benefits of obtaining an autism diagnosis may be:
Being able to put a name and a framework to a collection of symptoms and traits instead of perceiving it all as your child’s “bad behavior” or somehow your fault.
Access a system of services and supports designed to give your child a head start in life as early as possible.
Being able to educate family, friends, and neighbors about your child’s unique way of being when appropriate.
Being able to educate your child about his unique way of being in order to promote self-awareness and self-advocacy, as needed.
Understanding and appreciating sooner your child’s lifelong unique qualities, personal needs, and talents.
Experience greater success in school. Be better prepared for higher education, or trade school
Be better equipped to locate viable employment opportunities that best match skills and talents
Avoid struggles with mental health issues, or be better prepared to care for one’s mental health
Signs and Symptoms of Autism in a Child

Issues with communication
Trouble interpreting what others feel
May have difficulty giving eye contact
Prefers to be alone
Hypersensitive to loud sounds
Repetitive movements or speech patterns
Doesn't respond to their name
Getting uncomfortable in social setting
Repetitive behavior
In addition to the impairments listed above, there can be additional features present.
1. Intellectual abilities can vary widely. The characteristics of autism range from individuals with limited cognitive ability to individuals who have high intelligence.
2. There can be an uneven developmental profile, so an individual may be very skilled in one area (e.g., able to read at a much higher grade level than peers) but is unable to master a basic skill in another area (e.g., unable to manage buttons or tie shoes).
3. People with autism may experience different perceptual responses to the environment. Many people with autism report that their sensory system is always hyper-aroused and that the environment is overwhelming. This can lead to inappropriate behaviors as they attempt to avoid touch, loud sounds, bright lights, strong smells, etc.
4. Other individuals with autism will seek out sensory input, such as deep pressure on the body, which they find calming.
5. There may be challenges with sleep patterns, food preferences, and toileting.
6. Executive functioning abilities can be affected. Executive functioning is the ability to plan and organize events, such as preparing for the day by packing and organizing the necessary items. Challenges with executive functioning also leave individuals with an impaired ability to use critical thought or solve problems effectively. With impaired ability to solve problems, individuals with ASD become highly frustrated, which can lead to rigid or anxious behaviors.
7. Most individuals with autism report issues with anxiety, which can be extreme at times. Managing their environment and trying to understand social interactions can be extremely difficult and can lead to apprehension and worry over what to expect in new or confusing situations.
What is Language Processing?
Understanding how your child develops language skills can be quite helpful as it helps you communicate better with them and also helps your speech therapist choose appropriate lines of therapy for them.
There are two types of language processing: Analytical & Gestalt.
Analytical language processing- Child understands and learns the meaning of single words, following which they start using the words in their own phrases. It's like learning from basics to complex.
Gestalt language processing-Children instead of learning the meaning of one word at a time, memorize whole phrases/ sentences. They work backwards by breaking phrases to single words. A child with gestalt language processing often presents as delayed echolalia, it is where a child hears a phrase and repeats/ echoes it later on.
My son has been taking online speech therapy sessions for Autism. The biggest challenge was to make him sit and establish a connection with him. He has a short attention span and a lot of accompanying behaviors. He was minimally verbal when we started the sessions. He now speaks in sentences. Sounderic team managed it all so well. We were given guidance in every session and the home training plan was very effective. I can say that Sounderic has the best speech therapist in India. - Lavina, Mother of a 5-year-old
Often parents of children with Autism complain, "Why is my child not talking?"
He is different from his peers. The signs and symptoms of autism in a child often include avoiding eye contact, not responding to you, talking too less, repetitive movements, etc.
To know more about signs, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments of Autism. Read this.
To know if your girl child is on the autism spectrum, read our blog on Autism in Girls Checklist.
Social skills/ Social communication is an area that children with Autism find difficulties with.
Please, find more information on different social skills and how autism affects these social skills.
It is also possible to practice these social skills at home with your child.
Learn more on how you can use practical ways to develop social skills.
It is also possible for your child to receive speech therapy for autism at home.
Speech Therapy Exercises for Kids with Autism

There are various speech therapy techniques and exercises available for kids with autism, such as:
Help them understand facial expressions
Get them into sensory activities
Reward them for completing a task
Helps them learn verbal and nonverbal skills
Helps them learn how to handle social situations better
It's important to develop sitting tolerance and joint attention in children.
Listening skills are very important for children to develop before they start expressing themselves.
Responsiveness is a very important variable for the development of social skills.
Watch This Instagram Reel and others for more Informational Content.
Read this blog on "How you can enhance your child's listening skills at home?"
Few of the evidence-based speech therapy techniques for autism used at Sounderic:
Naturalistic Language Strategies:
These are child-centered and take place during naturally occurring routines and activities. This approach promotes communication and language development through environmental arrangement, responsive communication partners, prompting, modeling, and reinforcement.
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS):
It is a behaviorally based, alternative communication system based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and B.F.Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. PECS teaches the child to become an initiator of communication by exchanging a picture symbol for the desired object, etc.
Social Narratives:
Social narratives are interventions that describe social situations in some detail by highlighting relevant cues and offering examples of appropriate responses.
Imitation and Modeling:
Imitation and modeling are prerequisite skills for the development of various skills including communication.
Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
ABA is a notable technique involving assessment, treatment, encouraging desired behaviors, and discouraging undesirable behavior in the child.
Play and interaction intervention
It involves interaction between children and parents to stimulate imitation, joint attention skills, or the child’s ability to be involved in symbolic play.
Sensory integration therapy
Aims at helping the child improve responses to sensory stimuli that can be overwhelming.


Do you want to improve your child's conversation skills? Read this.
As autistic children have difficulty with inferencing, you can work on developing inferencing skills at home for these children using fun Pixar short films and also read How to practice inferencing at home with your kid. You can also opt for online speech therapy for autism or speech therapy for autism at home.
If there are a few questions about Autism in children that are unanswered then you should read
Important Points to Consider
If you seek a diagnosis of autism for your child, keep these points in mind:
A diagnosis does not change your child. He/She is still intrinsically,
who he/she is as a person.
It can open up the door to receiving help and support at school; through support groups where your child can meet others, they can identify with.
Before visiting a specialist, make sure your child is aware of what the appointment will be like. This may mean visiting the office ahead of the appointment day so your child will be familiar with it, marking the day of the visit on a calendar so your child can feel prepared, and allowing your child to bring a comfort object.
Educating yourself on this condition will make you a better resource for your child when he/she needs your compassion and support.
In recent years, online speech therapy for autism has been proven to be quite effective. You can always schedule a consultation by clicking on the tab below.

Speech Therapy for Autism
Each speech therapy session at Sounderic includes the following components of your child’s care:
Direct treatment
Parent/caregiver communication- we also provide you advice on how you can incorporate speech therapy techniques to aid your child develop speech and communication at home
Verbal communication regarding suggested home practice activities (text/email follow-up as needed)
Ongoing treatment planning based on individual progress and needs
We also provide online speech therapy for autism, that your child can receive from the comfort of your home.
Helping the child nonverbal skills like making eye contact, pointing, sign language, and picture symbols to express themselves.
Tips for parents with children on the Autism spectrum
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Give yourself time to process what you’ve learned, and all the emotions attached.
Be open. Focus on acceptance rather than eradication of differences.
Online speech therapy is equally as effective as in person therapy.
Check up on your professionals: staff, teachers, physicians, and therapists. Be sure they are not conveying judgmental, harsh, or destructive messages to your autistic loved one. Life is hard enough!